Harry's List Architect the future

Use different sets of passwords with pass

Pass is great. GPG and git for easy password access.

The commands (that I copy and paste) for setting up a new machine are:

pass init F1136F54
pass git init 
pass git remote add origin git@powers.tech:fijimunkii/password-store.git
pass git pull
pass git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
pass git pull
cd ~/.password-store && git submodule update --init --recursive && git submodule foreach git checkout master && cd -

Submodules contain passwords for work. Passwords in the submodule are encrypted with the PGP key(s) in the respective .gpg-id file. This id can point to a GPG group.

Here are some examples

# list all keys
# copies my password to clipboard (using my pgp key))
pass apple.com/harrisonpowers@gmail.com -c
# create a multiline password (using work pgp key)
pass insert work/project/development.json -m
# edit the password in your editor
pass edit work/project/development.json
# copies silently to clipboard
pass work/project/production.json -c


The purpose of life is unique to your being, god is this experience that we make of our lives. We directly influence and are influenced by everyone else as we share this world.

That is what I really believe. Pay it forward, do the right things, and avoid expectations. Then your lotus will blossom.

Existence, experience

Think about existence and work, how we were brought up to be obsessed with computers. How many of us devote our lives to building and experiencing the perfect computer. This really is the matrix and god is the experience. He is the music, the fire, the swimming pool, the radio, the cd, the vinyl record, databases, epic computers at MIT. Now it’s Google, Snapchat, VR, and infinity pools. Soon to be nanobots and expanded consciousness. I’m not sure I want to go all the way with plugging in. I love my body and taking care of it, maybe a computer could help with that too, but will the experience be better? It will certainly be different and for some people it will be better. Just imagine, peak physical condition without any of the mental effort of getting there. Unconscious simulations with micro machines preventing lactic acid and delivering amino acids. Not sure dudes, but I really thought the whole doing it yourself thing is better for you. Our minds have to go through tribes and tribulations in order to grow. Sure we will be able to download the knowledge of the masses, but will we share the collective wisdom of the experience?

HTTPS on a Squarespace Custom Domain

They say it can’t be done.

While they are true, full end-to-end encryption with a Squarespace custom domain is not supported, we can at least get a green https in the url.

Surprisingly, this is very easy with CloudFlare free flexible SSL.

How to get the green https:

First sign up at cloudflare.com and follow the automated setup.

Log into your registar (where you registered the domain), ensure all DNS host records were copied from here to Cloudflare, then add the CloudFlare nameservers.

Back to CloudFlare, go to Page Rules, and add the following rules:

  • mydomain.com Forwarding to https://mydomain.com
  • http://mydomain.com/ always use https
  • http://www.mydomain.com/ always use https

Note: CloudFlare uses somewhat weak encryption and this setup is not completely encrypted. That said, this should suffice for landing pages.

the not so mean stack

Once upon a time there was a perfect project structure. There likely is one in every software engineer’s mind. A ethereal programming wonderland where everything works. Here’s mine:

Mongo, Express, Node.js, Angular, Mocha, Selenium, CircleCI, EC2, Route53

Mongo is the database. It’s a really simple, no schema, get it done db

Express is the router for the server built with Node.js

Angular is the frontend framework of the month

Mocha runs the tests

Selenium and WebDriver lets us run the mocha tests against real browsers

CircleCI builds the app, runs the tests against it and then deploys automatically

EC2 is where the app lives in the cloud

Route53 points domains at EC2 instances and routes emails, among other things