Harry's List Architect the future

moving to wordpress

Update 8-29-2013 – I no longer have strong feelings for wordpress.

There are many benefits to having a blog on WordPress.  Most people enjoy the beautiful interface and plethora of plugins.  I like that the software is open-source and free to download.  This means that you can have a WordPress blog on your personal domain for free.

Have a Blogger account but want the functionality of WordPress? It’s easy to make the switch, let me show you.

First, you need to understand that there are two ways to use WordPress: .ORG and .COM  wordpress.ORG provides the free download of the WordPress software, while wordpress.COM provides free hosting for your blog with a variety of paid upgrades.  If you have your own server, you’ll want to download the software and ftp it.

If you just want a blog and don’t know what I’m talking about then head on over to wordpress.COM!

Click the big ‘sign up now’ button to get started.  Enter in all of your information and you’ll be registered and delivered to your admin page.

From here you can quickly import your information from Blogger.  Just click the Import under Tools on the left-hand side column.

You’ll see that WordPress can also import from LiveJournal, Movable Type, and Typepad.  Just click on the blog you want to import and follow the prompts to give it access to your information.  They make it really easy.